
Channel Travel Bag: Definitions


Channel Travel Bag

BAGGAGE refers to personal effects, articles and personal property that are suitable for use, comfort, or convenience during the trip. This includes both unchecked and checked baggage. It is a good idea to not keep cash, jewelry or other valuable items in your checked channel travel bag baggage.

CHECKED BAGGAGE refers to the channel travel bag for which an airline has sole custody and for which it has issued a tag.

UN-CHECKED BAGGAGE is hand baggage that remains in the passenger’s custody.

BAGGAGE TAG can be used by an airline to identify checked baggage. The baggage tag’s strap is attached to the checked baggage and the baggage identification tag portion goes to the passenger.

A LIMITED RELEASETAG is a tag that is used to identify checked baggage. It is used in the event that the baggage is damaged, lost, stolen, or found open. This tag limits liability for the airline.


Channel Travel ag

The following items are not allowed in checked or hand Channel Travel Bag.

Explosives, munitions and fireworks.

Security boxes/cases that contain goods like pyrotechnics or lithium batteries.

Compressed gases are flammable, nonflammable or poisonous.

Peroxides and bleaching powder are examples of oxidizing substances.

Flammable liquids like paints and adhesives

Flammable solids, such as safety matches or articles that are easily ignited, can cause fires.

Arsenic, Cyanides, and Insecticide Poisons

Radioactive Materials

Mercury, which can be found in thermometers and blood pressure gauges, is one example of corrosive material. Other examples include acids, alkalis and wet cell battery batteries.

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Any other substances that, during flight, pose a danger not covered by the above, such magnetised, offensive, and irritating materials

You cannot carry lighter items (butane or absorbed fuel, battery-powered, electric, or novelty lighters) in your checked and carry-on baggage. This ruling is made by The Transportation Security Administration (TSA). It applies to all passengers departing or arriving in the United States of America.

For security and safety reasons, passengers cannot carry the following items in hand Channel Travel Bag. These items should be checked in, or placed in your checked baggage to minimize inconvenience.

Knives (including hunting knives and swords as well as pocket knives)

Scissors, and any other sharp/bladed object (e.g. Local law considers ice-pick and nail clippers illegal.

Make sure that your bags are correctly labeled both inside and out. Make sure to include your full name, destination address, phone number, and home telephone number.